Jun 23, 2012

Artists' Appreciation Event

The Tampa Bay Artbooks Project, into which my art was accepted, hosted a fun evening at the St. Petersburg Museum of Art called the Artists' Appreciation Night.

The Tampa Bay Artbooks Project is an iPad app that allows users to buy hundreds of images of original art to view on their iPad, and this night celebrated the second release of art pieces available for the iPad.

Some artists set up their easels and painted during the evening, giving people a chance to see a work in progress, and how it's created

Here's a cartoon sketch I did while I was there:

Art-O-Mat machines are cigarette vending machines that have been converted to sell cigarette-sized pieces of art for five dollars. You used to see cigarette vending machines in bars, hotel lobbies, restaurants, almost everywhere. But with the risks of smoking become more apparent, they were yanked in the 1970s and 1980s. This is a cool way to use these machines for a great purpose.

There are over 90 active machines around the country, with around 400 contributing artists involved in this cool project.

I may see about putting my own art in these!

Learn more aboutArt-O-Mats HERE or by clicking on the banner below.

Visit the Artbook Archive Project by clicking on the banner below:

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