The Magnum Arts blog is designed to be fun and educational. Thanks for stopping by!
To make things easier to find I have assembled some of the most noteworthy blog post links below. This blog is used as a teaching supplement to the Cartooning and Drawing classes, and hopefully these posts will be interesting, inspiring and helpful.
Below is a very touching e-mail I received from a former Cartooning and Drawing student of mine. It made my week! I've been given permission to share it with you.
You might
not remember me. I only took one from you a couple of years ago in
Dunedin. Shortly thereafter, my marriage collapsed. I don't think the
two were related. :-) One of the things I learned from the divorce is that when someone touches our life in a positive way, you need to tell them.
So I ended up in Columbia, South Carolina after a period of turmoil. And now that I'm settled here, I have signed up for a class in drawing at the local community college. I'm telling you all this because as a result of taking your class, I re-discovered that drawing is fun (I'm 39). I haven't stopped since. Part of what I learned from you is that it's ok for me tell a story with my drawing even if my drawing isn't technically perfect. And I can look back and see that I've progressed -- a lot.
And maybe more importantly, I'm teaching those skills to my 8 year old daughter. Last weekend I drew out 16 basic shapes for each of us, and we sat on the couch and made each one into a face. Then we traded and critiqued each other's work. :-) (All positive critique, of course -- "I really like the nose on this one"). That's teaching her a number of good life skills.
So -- thank you. The work you do makes a difference.
So I ended up in Columbia, South Carolina after a period of turmoil. And now that I'm settled here, I have signed up for a class in drawing at the local community college. I'm telling you all this because as a result of taking your class, I re-discovered that drawing is fun (I'm 39). I haven't stopped since. Part of what I learned from you is that it's ok for me tell a story with my drawing even if my drawing isn't technically perfect. And I can look back and see that I've progressed -- a lot.
And maybe more importantly, I'm teaching those skills to my 8 year old daughter. Last weekend I drew out 16 basic shapes for each of us, and we sat on the couch and made each one into a face. Then we traded and critiqued each other's work. :-) (All positive critique, of course -- "I really like the nose on this one"). That's teaching her a number of good life skills.
So -- thank you. The work you do makes a difference.
Wow, how cool is that..?!
Onto the links!
Dragoncon 2011 Pictures - Check out all the photos from this huge annual event!
Dragoncon 2011 - The Artists - Links to some of the insanely talented artists I met
Dragoncon 2011 - Discussion Panels - Notes from very interesting art and writing panels
Dragoncon 2011 - The Podcast - The first Magnum Arts podcast ever, a 16 minute tour of Dragoncon, with interviews and audio taken during the event
Cartooning The Head and Figure - Printable sheets to download to help improve your skills in drawing the head and body of your characters
Found Slides, A Life Remembered - The original slides I found in the vintage projector, along with details about the families in them, something which became a big news story and was covered by numerous TV stations
Found Slides - The Whole Story - The whole story about the found slides and the families in them, which was posted on Kodak's official corporate blog. Check it out!
The Last Text - This subject is so important I'm putting a link here. A short, jarring documentary about how texting while driving can kill you...or someone else. Definitely worth a look.
Welcome Artists - Another list of helpful blog post links to help you as an artists
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