As The New York Times points out, this secret court has established on its own a growing body of law that gives the NSA incredibly sweeping powers, with no oversight at all, and that lack of oversight has led to an expansion of the NSA's powers. Read the article HERE.
Jun 30, 2013
Secret Court Judges Speak Out
As The New York Times points out, this secret court has established on its own a growing body of law that gives the NSA incredibly sweeping powers, with no oversight at all, and that lack of oversight has led to an expansion of the NSA's powers. Read the article HERE.
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Jun 28, 2013
Stamp Money Out Of Politics With Your Own Stamp
Make your voice heard by stamping your cash with a cool stamp! Your message will be circulated and shared through the financial system; every bill you stamp will reach about 875 people. And yes, it's legal to write or stamp images on U.S. currency.
The goal of the Stampede project is to stem the vast surge of money into our elections from corporate and special interests, interests that rob you of your voice in government. This past election saw the most money being raised in history. This requires a constitutional amendment, backers of the project are 25% there. Read more about this goal HERE.
I love this idea, and I bought a stamp. I'm going to be stamping all the currency that crosses my palm. If enough people participate, it will send a message that Congress just cannot ignore.
To buy your stamp, and learn more, click on the dollar bill below. Get stamping!
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Consumer Freedom, Everything Else, Protecting Freedom
Jun 27, 2013
Sop Motion Car Chases
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Videos
Jun 26, 2013
Three Female Pin-Up Artists Who Defined An Era
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Art Education
Space Mountain Under Construction
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Disney
Jeff Smith Podcast
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Comics Review
Jun 25, 2013
Everyone Under Suspicion - Are You Next?
Taking photos of landmarks, walking "nervously" and writing in a notebook are all activities that have led to people being stopped and questioned.
Could you be next?
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Our Surveillance State: Your Rights At Risk, Photographers' Rights
Jun 23, 2013
Stars Of Hope Fundraiser
(all pictures copyrighht Magnum Arts. No pictures are to be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever).

Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Star Wars
Jun 20, 2013
Our Surveillance State: What You Need To Know
The disclosures by Snowden have revealed a grossly out of control surveillance system that spies on all Americans, even you, without probable cause, restraint or oversight. Not only that, but companies you might have assumed are watching out for you as customers, companies like Verizon, AT&T, Facebook, Google and others, have been actively cooperating with the NSA and the FBI in violating your privacy without due process. These companies, the NSA and the FBI have lied to Americans about what it is they are doing.
So...what are they doing? Well, thanks to Edward Snowden, we know the following:
- Snooping On Your Calls - The government has been collecting the phone records of Americans for years, without oversight, due process or explanation, from Verizon and AT&T customers. Every call you've made can be accessed by the government whenever it wants to. Who has access to this information, and how might it be used?
- Website Snooping - The NSA has access to the servers of Facebook, Google and Apple, meaning that anytime you've used these on-line services, the government knows what you're doing. Further, the government has forbidden these services from telling you this and have fought lawsuits at every turn by using the powerful State Secrets privilege.
- E-mail Snooping - Every e-mail you've read, every website you've visited, has been cataloged by the government
- No Oversight - There is no meaningful court oversight of any of this activity, meaning your rights, as an innocent citizen, are not even remotely being protected. Previous assertions to Congress about these programs have turned out to be lies. Members of Congress, who are supposed to be our representatives, have known about these programs and done nothing; indeed, some politicians proclaiming outrage about these programs never bothered to show up at classified briefings about them to ask questions.
- Telephone records, on an ongoing daily basis, of both Americans and residents of foreign countries, from companies such as Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. These records include the actual telephone numbers at each end of every call, the duration of each call, and call routing information, allowing the NSA to build a picture of who you contacted, at what time and for how long. (source: The Guardian)
- Email messages and website traffic, in which companies are actively participating (despite their denials) in a program called PRISM, giving information about YOU to the government, without your knowledge, consent or due process. These companies include Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple. The revelations have forced these companies into an uncomfortable position, having to carefully deny their violations of your privacy. (source: The Washington Post)
But wait...there's oversight, right...?
Professor Law Laura K. Donohue from Georgetown University Law Center has an analysis as to why these programs violate the 4th Amendment of the Constitution HERE.
The Washington Post has a detailed look at this ultra-secretive court, and it's discomfort with all the attention HERE. It's definitely worth a read.
The NSA Continues To Mislead the Public - Senators Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) and Mark Udall (D-Colorado) have accused the NSA of continuing to mislead the public about the privacy protections they have in place, to prevent innocent Americans from being swept up in their dragnet. They accused the NSA of overstating the protections, when in fact just the opposite was true; there are very few protections in place. Read about their concerns HERE.
Sacrifices have to be made, the argument goes, to protect us from threats of terrorism. And this is true...up to a point.
- We'd probably be safer if we were forced to let the police enter our homes whenever they wanted to, let them rifle through our belongings and computer files, without pesky court orders or probable cause.
- We'd probably be safer if we all let the government implant a tracking chip under our skin so they could keep track of everything we did, and everywhere we went, all the time.
- We'd probably be safer if we had to stop at police checkpoints everywhere we went, and explain to the officers where we were going and who we were seeing
- We'd probably be safer if everyone flying on an airplane, getting on a train or subway, or renting a truck had to undergo a full body cavity search, completely disrobe and be examined by the authorities.
- We'd probably be safer if everyone were forced to dress the same, watch the same kinds of movies, read the same kinds of books, had the same religious belief, and spoke the same language
- We'd probably be safer if our computer monitors, televisions, smart phones and other devices watched us back, and reported any suspicious behavior to the NSA for further scrutiny
NSA defenders have jumped forward to insist that these secret programs protect us from terrorists and we must have them to keep this country safe. What terrorist plots have been foiled? They won't say. The few examples they give fall apart under scrutiny.
Below are some examples of how out-of-control surveillance can negatively affect you and your rights as an American citizen:
- You decide to research breast or testicular cancer, or to call doctors to treat this condition. Now the government knows this as part of its profile about you. There's a chance your insurance company could find out, leading to dropped coverage or higher premiums.
- You succumb to temptation and decide to visit porn sites. You might pay for a porn website subscription (I know it's not you, but someone is feeding the porn industry millions of dollars a year). Now the government has a record of your sexual preferences, probably the most intimate information you have about yourself. If your employer finds out, you could lose your job, or the possibility of a promotion or business client, for viewing material that is legally protected
- You become interested in other religious beliefs and want to research or join Muslim groups (the NYPD has been conducting illegal surveillance of Muslims for years), or even Wiccan or Satanist groups. You've made yourself a possible target of heightened scrutiny, even though you've broken no law.
- You want to become involved in environmental, political or social justice causes, and attend rallies, meetings and protests, as is your right as an American citizen. Maybe you're a photographer who's only taking pictures. The next thing you know, the FBI arrives on your doorstep asking questions about your activities. And while they can lie to you to obtain information, lying to them is a federal crime. Examples HERE, HERE and HERE.
If you get arrested, even if you're innocent, even if the charges are dropped, it can have a powerful effect on your life, your job security, and your social status. This is a powerful deterrent against standing up for your rights, and many police officers and government agents make maximum use of this fear.
- The ACLU is the best known group that fights tirelessly, all the time, for the rights of citizens. Support them. Help them fight for you, to protect your rights. They are your advocate, whether your views are popular or not. Visit them HERE and please consider making a donation.
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation fights for the rights of digital users, from defending people's free speech rights, to beating back anti-consumer legislation, to exposing the misdeeds of corporations, patent trolls and the government, the EFF fights for consumers. They depend on your help. Consider giving them a donation to help them keep fighting. Visit them HERE.
- Fight For The Future is dedicated to helping internet users everywhere beat back attempts to limit our basic rights and freedoms, and empower people to demand technology (and policy) that serves their interests, not those of huge corporations, who rarely have our best interests at heart. Check them out HERE.
Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Consumer Freedom, Our Surveillance State: Your Rights At Risk, Photographers' Rights, Protecting Freedom, The Best of Magnum Arts
Jun 17, 2013
New Camera Pictures

But it's in lower-light situations where it really shines. The camera provides impressive results in dim light, essential when at comic book conventions, where the lighting is typically less than ideal.

Posted by
Michael K. Lyman
Labels: Photography