After Dragoncon I get together with my friends and we have a Dragoncon picture swapping party, where we share each other's pictures. My friend Ken, who is also a photographer, took a lot of pictures, more than myself, as I was in costume more than he was. These are his pictures. Enjoy!
Left: in my hotel room, I do a last minute check of my Civil Protection costume before heading out.
This woman's expression just makes this picture as she looks disdainfully at the other costumer, whose eyes are not where they should be
Below: my friend Randy (in the William Riker Star Trek costume) built this R2-D2 droid. This is its first con. His wife is in the Captain Janeway Star Trek costume beside him, and on the other side, another friend of mine in a Sith cheerleader outfit. There are a number of female members of the 501st Legion who have Sith cheerleader ensembles.
Snake Plissken with apes from Planet Of The Apes. They were wandering around throwing their net on people!
More Planet Of the Apes costumers
Above right and below: the perfect makeup and beautiful costumes are a testament to how much effort and devotion some attendees put into their costumes. These women look ready to step onto a sound stage.
Above: Speed Racer hams it up for an enthusiastic crowd as the parade rolls out of the park through downtown Atlanta
Left: The fabulous Big Daddy costume from the video game Bioshock, accompanied by the Little Sisters. For more information about this fantastic video game, click HERE.
Below: The 501st Legion prepares to move out as the parade begins
Below: Stan Lee, the Marvel Comics master
Above: Batman is always a popular costume genre; these are some costumes from the sixties' television show, including a foxy Julie Newmar Catwoman (above right).
Left: A really good Trinity costume from The Matrix
Below: the staff of the host hotels love Dragoncon. Not only does the event pump lots of money into the local economy, but attendees are generally well behaved, respectful and fun loving. The staff have a lot of fun hanging with all the crazy costumers. This is what life is all about: being yourself (or a favorite character) and having fun doing it.