The Dark sky event keeps on getting bigger and bigger!
This was the Legion's third year doing this event and this year Darth Vader saw fit to supervise and hang with the crowd. The Dark Sky Festival, held in the town of Harmony, promotes solutions to pollution, and light pollution, which affects astronomy and wildlife. (link
Huge thanks to the organizers who made it possible for us to appear again; I look forward to this event every year. The crowd was respectful, enthusiastic and fun to be with.
A special shout-out to the folks at the Lakeside Inn Motel; I've stayed there the past two years I have been organizing the Legion's involvement in this fun festival, and love it there; it's like a mini-vacation (and no, I'm not being paid to plug the motel; I feel they deserve a big thanks for being so hospitable).
There are stables where horses are kept, and some exhibits this year had live animals such as possums, snakes, and turtles.
Pete (the horse), lies down in the park while his trainer tells the crowd about him and other horses there
Finally Vader emerges to inspect the troops and survey the festival
"Do we have some Star Wars fans here tonight??"
Below: Darth Vader's new transport
A little girl shares her popcorn with the Dark Lord of the Sith
Right: I find your lack of faith disturbing."
It's amazing how many people want to be "under arrest" when they pose with us for pictures!

The picture below is my favorite: