This seven and a half minute film is also a masterpiece. Extremely simple in concept, filled with all sorts of symbolism. Five figures stand on a horizontal slab suspended in a void. If one moves, the slab begins to tilt, endangering the others, who must react to re-establish the proper balance. A new element into their carefully balanced world causes havoc for everyone on this precarious surface. One wonders how did they get there? Are they stranded there for eternity? Thought provoking, this film is.
And finally, a very special treat for fans of Mad magazine, the magazine that helped me learn to draw and inspired me as an artist: an interview with the legendary Mort Drucker, arguably the very best caricature artist ever. His art in Mad magazine over the decades captured movie stars and celebrities perfectly, with enough exaggeration to make them amusing without being insulting. Having your likeness drawn by Mort Drucker was a rare honor. I realize Manga is all the rage these days, but artists as talented and prolific as Drucker should never be forgotten. To learn more about Drucker, click this link.